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Have you ever wondered what all the fuss is surrounding organic foods? Are there ACTUAL benefits to choosing an organic option? There are actually a number of valid reasons to choose Organic over conventionally grown food - everything from taste to the effect it has on your body. Check out the below articles for 6 reasons you should buy Organic.
During conventional farming, crops are sprayed with synthetic chemicals that defend against insects and protect the crops allowing maximum harvest. While this is excellent for farmers who don’t want to lose stock, this can result in the customer consuming some of this pesticide. These chemical can be difficult to remove.
Organic farming uses traditional and natural methods of protecting against insects. The long term effects of pesticides has not been fully researched and could be damaging not only those who eat the food, but also the farmers and the wildlife that surrounds the farm.
Studies have shown that for some organic products, such as tomatoes, organic produce actually boasts MORE nutrients than it’s none organic counterpart. Organic tomatoes have a greater antioxidant content as nitrogen-rich chemical fertilisers are not used when growing.
A study published in the British Journal of nutrition demonstrated that there are significant differences between non-organic and organic crops. It found there are "statistically significant, meaningful differences, with a range of antioxidants being substantially higher – between 19% and 69% – in organic food”. Antioxidants are compounds in some foods that prevent cell damage from unstable free radicals that are missing an electron. They steal one from one of your cells causing it to become unstable. This causes cell membranes, enzymes and DNA to be damaged.
Organic farmers not only avoid synthetic chemicals, but also place importance on sustainability and overall environmental health. Rotating crops and the use of organic fertilisation methods can help prevent the loss of topsoil and enhance the soils overall productivity. Organic farms using traditional farming methods also creates a safe and stable environment for local wildlife and insects.
Organic produce have NO artificial ingredients. Non organic food often contains additives that enhance shape and color, to make produce more appealing when in the produce aisle. Further there are no added flavouring, MSG and preservatives. Which means when your produce says “apple” you are only getting apple.
Chemical fertilisers often enter waterways and leech into the soil surrounding the farm land. This can wreak havoc on the local wildlife, driving away insects or killing plants that are important to the stability of certain ecosystems. Many birds and fish depend on healthy plants and insects to survive. During heavy storms or rain, chemical fertilisers may enter waterways and damage the native flora and fauna.
A subjective point, but the majority seems to agree that organic foods actually taste better. This is likely because a lack of added ingredients and synthetic pesticides on the outside of the produce let the natural goodness shine through. If you are someone who consumes conventionally farmed produce, we invite you experiment with the taste of Organic produce. The taste alone may be enough to make you to switch!
The Soil Association organic symbol is the most widely recognised in the UK and appears on over 70% of all organic products.
This logo is a registered certification mark (®) of Soil Association Limited. Companies may only use this symbol if they hold a valid certificate of registration from the Soil Association. Use of our symbol is controlled through specific guidelines and guarantees an ethically and organically farmed product.
When its not always possible to buy organic there are some easy and cheap ways you can remove the residue.
Check out the video to the left on how make your own fruit and vegetable wash.
Barański, M., Średnicka-Tober, D., Volakakis, N., Seal, C., Sanderson, R., Stewart, G., Benbrook, C., Biavati, B., Markellou, E., Giotis, C., Gromadzka-Ostrowska, J., Rembiałkowska, E., Skwarło-Sońta, K., Tahvonen, R., Janovská, D., Niggli, U., Nicot, P. and Leifert, C. (2014). Higher antioxidant and lower cadmium concentrations and lower incidence of pesticide residues in organically grown crops: a systematic literature review and meta-analyses. British Journal of Nutrition, 112(05), pp.794-811.
Cdc.gov. (2016). CDC - Lead - New Blood Lead Level Information. [online] Available at: https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/acclpp/blood_lead_levels.htm [Accessed 11 Nov. 2016].
Consumerlab.com. (2016). Review of Probiotic Supplements and Kefirs. [online] Available at: https://www.consumerlab.com/reviews/Probiotic_Supplements_and_Kefir/probiotics/ [Accessed 11 Nov. 2016].
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