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Most people are already well trained at this, but even talking when you’ve mostly finished your food can still lead to taking in the air which can potentially cause discomfort inside you until it manages to find its way out.
We don't need to get into the exact number of chews needed as it varies from person to person but make sure your food is very well chewed before you swallow it. If you’re only giving each mouthful 4-5 chews then it's likely not enough and is causing more work for your digestion further down the track.
As you chew food the first part of digestion is started where your saliva mixes with food and enzymes start breaking down carbohydrates. It also sends signals to your gut that food is coming which starts other digestive processes.
This also brings us to our next part
Chewing your food longer helps to prevent overeating as it gives your brain time to receive signals from the gut that it’s full. If you eat too quickly you only realize you’ve eaten too much when it’s too late.
Studies have shown that slower eaters are less likely to be overweight as they're more aware when they've eaten enough.
A gentle walk is great after eating as movement helps digestion in lots of ways. It’s not always possible to go for a walk though, especially during winter months but even walking a few laps of your house will provide some benefit. Gentle stretches can also help to move food along your digestive tract, try stretching both arms up in the air as you take a deep breath in, or circle your hips. You don't want to be doing anything strenuous but some movement has definitely been shown to be beneficial.
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